the lobsterpot< newswrap January 22nd 24'

Massive movements in the canna sector of late! If you haven’t already, check out...

Jamie Bonthron
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Massive movements in the canna sector of late! If you haven’t already, check out...

Massive movements in the canna sector of late!

If you haven’t already, check out our exclusive podcast interview with Chris Day co-founder at the Global Cannabis Network Collective (GCNC), who gives us the lowdown on all of the noise surrounding the US’ proposed cannabis rescheduling.

Also…click here find out how to get your canna brand in front of even more influential industry movers and shakers

Heading to London later this week for the @EmpowHer UK Cannabis Meetup. Hope to catch all o’y’all Britain-based canna-crew there :)

In the meantime…

No Weed Please, We're British (!)

We’re constantly bemoaning the lack of traction the cannabis industry is getting here in the UK; but this piece from think tank, Volteface, goes a good way into understanding why the Great British public largely abstains.

Get yourself 'cannected'...

'Cannected' TV

In the battle for getting cannabis some airtime on ad platforms, could ‘Connected’ or Smart TV advertising be the answer? If boasts for greater engagement, precision, and reach are to be believed, well, it just might.

Cannabis liberation for the troubled nation?

Ukraine's Domestic Grow Ambitions Put On Ice?

With Ukraine’s medical cannabis law on the cusp of being inked, it’s clear that the nation will soon provide patient access. However, getting things up and running could take a while – with experts speculating that first grows won’t be harvested until 2026/7.


NY To Scrap 'THC Tax'

New York State Governor, Kathy Hochul, has outlined her proposed budget for 2025 – and is proposing to scrap the state’s current potency-based tax structure for licensed cannabis operators, intending to replace it with a ‘weight-based tax’ to ease compliance for distributors.

At least 'the heart' goes on...

MedMen Shares Severely Sink

How the mighty have fallen. Once valued at over $1 billion – back in the boom days of 2018 – cannabis retailer MedMen's shares are now practically worth zero. Despite investment from various parties, the company's selling assets in Arizona and Nevada to lighten the load.

(Not a real nun)

Green Nun

Check out this awesome photo piece from The Guardian documenting the work of cannabis nuns, Sisters of the Valley – specifically their Mexican order – who are working tirelessly to advocate and legitimise cannabis, away from warring Narcos.

thermidor< is a content-led, cannabis-focused, creative agency. We work with B2B, B2C, and D2C brands to develop messaging, brand, and tone of voice, as well as create written, audio, and visual content such as blogs, whitepapers, podcasts, and event films.

Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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