wtf is thermidor<?.
thermidor< is a content-led creative agency whose aim is to create intelligent conversation through cannabis content.
we also aim to challenge social stigmas, make marijuana mainstream, and celebrate cannabis culture.
featured lobsterpot <
want some words with that weed?

the lobsterpot: S 3. Ep 7. Calling All Earthlings...
The UK’s best known wellness and plant medicine expo, Product Earth, is back for 2024

the lobsterpot: S 3. Ep 5. Yes You HamCan!
Lennart Tacke (aka Lenny Roots), HamCan’s founder, Hamburg’s premier cannabis...

the lobsterpot: S 3. Ep 4. Doing Things 'By The Book'
Tony Pavlakis from TSRgrow, based out of Rhode Island, US, knows better than most...
ready to chat content, cannabis, and creativity?
we thermidorks< are a friendly bunch. we really want to help get you the right kind of attention too. so let’s talk… no presh.