the lobsterpot< – newswrap Jan 23rd 23'​

We’re charging through Monday like the rest of the week isn’t happening...

Jamie Bonthron
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We’re charging through Monday like the rest of the week isn’t happening...

We’re charging through Monday like the rest of the week isn’t happening. It’s been a productive day at thermidor< HQ(s), but we still squeezed in time to get you some intriguing news from the last week in the cannabis world.

The articles we grab are from here, there, and everywhere. That’s on purpose because we want everyone to see the challenges and triumphs others are going through – no matter where they’re from. Same with the lobsterpot< podcast – insight and intrigue from interesting folk. Not a bad recipe we reckon.

Thai’d For The Lead?

To really understand what is going on in Thailand you need to be on the ground there. But, if time doesn’t allow, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better piece that dives into the fine details of the burgeoning market than this.

Photo: Joe Skirkowski


Tough Gig?

Brand building in illicit markets ain’t easy. Heck, it’s hard enough in legal markets(!). So what does it mean to be a brand consultant for weed dealers in the UK and how does the illicit nature of the work feed into the end product? We love all things marketing (it’s what we do) so this piece from Vice is a certified banger.

Big Bucks

In just two years, delta-8 has generated $2 billion in revenue. That’s more than the GDP of some countries. However you feel about it with regard to more traditional cannabinoid products, it is a pretty smart workaround. But, hopefully at some point, it won’t be needed anymore.

<3 LinkedIn

We blinkin’ love LinkedIn. It’s the only platform we use that we don’t constantly sweat will shadow-ban us overnight. It’s still not perfect, but generally speaking, why is LinkedIn so cannabis friendly? (Not a great article title, but we’ll let it slide).

That’s A Better Number(!)
Since 2018 there have been around 89,000 private cannabis prescriptions in the UK. That’s a lot better than the last numbers and shows that steady changes are happening. The elephant in the room though is that there were less than five NHS prescriptions for unlicensed products. It’s all about access, people.

One Giant Leap

Speaking of UK medical cannabis, one particularly confusing quirk of our existing system is that we have to import everything sold here. But, this past week, Celadon vaulted the first regulatory hurdle needed to change this. More please.

thermidor< is a content-led, cannabis-focused, creative agency. We work with B2B, B2C, and D2C brands to develop messaging, brand, and tone of voice, as well as create written, audio, and visual content such as blogs, whitepapers, podcasts, and event films.

Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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