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the lobsterpot< newswrap Feb 20th 23'
We could have sworn that last week it was months until Spannabis. But no, that was ju
Jamie Bonthron
February 20, 2023
3 minutes
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We could have sworn that last week it was months until Spannabis. But no, that was just us not having a solid enough grip on our temporal reality – not weed related (btw). As it happens it’s only two and a half weeks until the mighty event. Excited much?
As part of our day-to-day work, we do a variety of production work but we’re particularly enthused about our lil’ Spanish trip because it’s a chance for us to try something a bit mad. Will it work? It’ll certainly be memorable. If you want to get involved hit us up(!).
Although this isn’t the seismic shift necessarily needed in terms of cannabis awareness, Twitter’s new guidelines on cannabis product advertising are very important. You can dive into the nitty gritty yourself, but this really is a big deal.
Couldn't Resist When you’re putting together a weekly newsletter, some pieces just fall into place. For any writers out there, if you start articles with titles like “Huge rise in stoned dogs…” it’s gunna make its way in here pretty quickly. Not great for the pooches though – NY could do with figuring it out.
With their one year trial period now underway, The Isle of Man is going to be dispensing medical cannabis products from an actual physical pharmacy. While changes to the digital world are important, physical access feels so much more important in terms of cultural changes.
Lesotho’s cannabis market was supposed to be a huge boon for farmers as a cash crop that some of them already grow illicitly. Unfortunately, like countries in every corner of the world, actually getting a license costs a lot of money and even more time. It’s a model we see fail people everywhere.
The UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) might not be a ‘cool’ organisation, but they are key when it comes to the progress of cannabis companies in the UK. This week they released some detailed guidelines to begin producing cannabis-based medicinal products and APIs. Cheers guys(!).
While Lesthoso might be stalling in its cannabis endeavours, we’ve seen good moves from Zimbabwe this week as it removes hemp from its list of dangerous drugs and sets the limit at 1%. With many nations opting for 0.2% or 0.3% this straight up makes cannabis product producers more competitive.
thermidor< is a content-led, cannabis-focused, creative agency. We work with B2B, B2C, and D2C brands to develop messaging, brand, and tone of voice, as well as create written, audio, and visual content such as blogs, whitepapers, podcasts, and event films.
Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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