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the lobsterpot< – edition 7
A new year renews all our optimism.
Dave Barton
January 10, 2022
2 min
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“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to the full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity, and fellowship, so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.” – Carl Sagan
Pressure is mounting for President Biden as calls from both sides of the political spectrum are urging him to push forward clemency for those with convictions for non-violent drug offenses. For many, it seems like the logical step for someone who campaigned for legalization.
In Illinois, there is something of a wild streak in play. Since February, cannabis tax receipts have outstripped those of liquor. The law actually requires 25% of the tax dollars to provide disadvantaged young people with legal aid, youth development, and many other services – just awesome.
Following surveys carried out by the University of Michigan, it was found that there has been a huge reduction in drug use by teenagers aged between 12 and 17 years old. This dramatic drop has been attributed to the disruption of regular life by the pandemic. Finally, some good news!
This handy piece from Indica Online does a great job of showing how much work needs to go into packaging cannabis. From the regulatory requirements to the stone-cold marketing of brands, it’s all in the name of good business.
Sometimes our Down Under compatriots get forgotten in the pursuit of personal pot use. Thankfully, they’re still fighting the good fight, and it seems public sentiment on recreational cannabis use is improving at a serious rate of knots.
After the horror of their takeover in Afghanistan earlier this year, we covered what seemed like a ploy by the Taliban to gain credibility among a legitimate market – cannabis. They announced their partnership with an Australian pharmaceutical company, who urged they were none the wiser. Needless to say, the plot has thickened.
Blog Author
Dave Barton
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