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the lobsterpot< – edition 52
With MJBizCon recovery complete, jetlag conquered, bags unpacked (mostly)...
Jamie Bonthron
November 28, 2022
3 minutes
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With MJBizCon recovery complete, jetlag conquered, bags unpacked (mostly), we're now back to the day-to-day. Luckily for us, our day-to-day is producing content in the cannabis industry – so a pretty good cross to bear all things considered(!).
And on that note, if you haven’t already seen our roundup blog on our visit to Cannabis Disneyland (!), check out our MJBizCon-fessions.
Today’s quote is from a man who Snoop himself claimed once smoked him under the table, if there were a Mount Rushmore for famous stoners he’d have pride of place without a shadow of a doubt. Who else would make the list though?
“I wouldn't be alive. It saved my life, really. I wouldn't have lived 85 years if I'd have kept drinking and smoking like I was when I was 30, 40 years old,”
EU member state Romania has taken a big step for itself in hosting its first international debate and event around medical cannabis. With a list of bit hitter speakers, including two of the UK’s most prominent proponents of medical cannabis – Hannah Deacon and Mike Barnes – it’s clearer now than ever that cannabis is on the move in Europe.
Driving while high isn’t cool. And while people who get caught might throw their hands up in indignation, the truth is – it’s good that they get caught. So, big shout out to Gaize, based in the US, who have made a device that uses AI to track eye movement and determine THC impairment. Seriously clever stuff.
Having sampled a good handful of cannabis beverages on our recent travels to Vegas, we’re very interested to understand as much as we can about them. This great piece on Beverage Dynamics dives into what’s stopping them from taking over.
Yes Colombia, GET IN(!). While it’s by no means a done deal, there is positive movement in the push to legalise cannabis, with a bill designed to make bud accessible across the republic, being approved in a Senate committee.
Oh Malta, you started so well with legalisation, you really were pushing the frontier of legal cannabis in Europe – what went wrong? Unfortunately, the Maltese government isn’t really pulling its weight when it comes to creating a fully functional market.
A Russian national has won a court battle to remain in the Netherlands, avoiding deportation, so that he can continue to receive medical cannabis for a rare form of blood cancer. Are courts taking cannabis medicine seriously? By Jove, it’s happening(!).
Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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