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the lobsterpot< – edition 50
Well, well, well, here we are. The Big 50. That’s a serious milestone, right?!
Jamie Bonthron
November 14, 2022
3 minutes
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Well, well, well, here we are. The Big 50. That’s a serious milestone, right?! All the better that it’s timed perfectly with thermidor<’s touchdown stateside as we get comfortable here in Vegas.
We’re here for MJBizCon, fancy a meet? Ping us on dave.barton@thermidor.wtf
“Smoke the marijuana and get high. Stay above the wicked and fly.”
Usually, we’re all about the news articles, opinion pieces, and info dives via the written word. But, we’re kicking off this week with a video from Forbes, outlining how America ‘botched’ legalisation. Not our words remember, but a great watch all the same.
In an interesting industry move, cannabis giant Tilray has acquired Montauk Brewing Company – the number one craft brewer in Metro New York. While boozy brands continue to eye up cannabis, it’s fascinating to see a big move in the other direction.
Any first is historic, but this one really is a big deal. The UK has approved a Jamaican medical cannabis licence – making it the first time imports of bud from the Caribbean country have been allowed to (legally) make their way to our shores. Can’t wait to see other players getting involved.
In yet another excellent use of the green stuff Halal Hemp are promoting the wonder plant through a CBD marketplace, with the intention of breaking down the stigmas surrounding cannabis in the Muslim world. Nice work peeps(!).
It was the UK’s first official cannabis patient conference this past week, and the London venue was filled with patients, but also prescribers and industry advocates to help keep medical cannabis momentum in full swing.
At thermidor< we truly love all things culinary, so it genuinely excites us when we see more people pairing food with weed –as per this piece from the NYT. It also helps us to imagine a wider world of weed where chic European spots are filled with infused pastries.
Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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