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the lobsterpot< – edition 43
30 Days Hath September – so the rhyme (and the Gregorian Calendar) tells us.
Dave Barton
September 26, 2022
3 minutes
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30 Days Hath September – so the rhyme (and the Gregorian Calendar) tells us. Yup, we’re edging towards the dwindling embers of 2022. But fret not, thermidorks<! The best is yet to come. In a word: MJBizCon!
Indeed we’ll be there with bells on. Just booked our flights in fact (have to go via Phoenix, but needs must etc). We will see YOU there (Vegas, that is)? Hit us up if you fancy grabbing a cold one, a hot one, or a game of pickleball – just reply to this here email and we’ll figure something out.
“I believe that the ointment and spray have significantly reduced the stiffness and pain in my hands. I can make fists, which was not the case before I began this treatment.” - speaking of his arthritis.
One of the great things about the cannabis industry is that those with the most expertise are those who’ve operated in the -ahem- ‘legacy market’. Now that they have an opportunity to come out into the open, many, like the Gentlemen Smugglers (who reportedly ‘ran’ the East Coast back in the day)
What do cannabis and The Hunger Games have in common? Not just the ‘munchies’ – according to thermidor< co-founder, Dave Barton. Read his recent piece on Chaos, Contract, and Control and discover what the book-film mega series can teach the world about the need for cannabis policy.
A recent study shows that (cis) men and women actually have different kinds of endocannabinoid systems – and will therefore experience different effects when under the influence. It all comes down to gonads and CB1 receptors (I think). But read the ‘science’ and decide for yourselves.
Cannabis? Delivered to your door?? In London??? Yup, that’s what a recent slew of ‘Dispensaroo’ ads – as spied on the UK capital’s underground train network – are promising.
Time to dust down those clunky VR headsets and plug in to the cyberspace mainframe (or something) before sparking up a fat one? Not quite yet. But VR (among other things) is set to feature as a key component in Cannabis & Me – an initiative that’s being billed as ‘the largest ever cannabis study in the UK’.
EU drug policy delegates met in the Czech capital, Prague earlier this month to review federation-wide views on our favourite plant. Particularly poignant considering the Czech Rep’s all set to properly engage the nation on rec cannabis in the near future.
Blog Author
Dave Barton
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