the lobsterpot< – edition 40

Strap in, buckle up, and lock in whatever other seatbelt-related phrases you need...

Jamie Bonthron
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Strap in, buckle up, and lock in whatever other seatbelt-related phrases you need...

Strap in, buckle up, and lock in whatever other seatbelt-related phrases you need to get you ready for a serious amount of news! It’s been a busy week in the world of weed, so we have a few extra stories to delight you on this fine September morning.

The GOAT himself spoke a lot of truths, often holding mirrors up to a wide variety of social issues. Doing just the same with cannabis, this simple quote really emphasises the interest we should all have in finding common ground.

“Stop killing each other man. Let’s just smoke a blunt.”

Tupac Shakur

My Study Valentine

We’ve spoken at length on the fact that the UK seems to lack consistent investment into the research of cannabis. So when KCL, a big London uni, drops £2.5 million we take notice and it makes it to the top of this list – no questions asked.

By Popular Demand

Following a Gallup poll in the US, it’s been found that now, for the first time ever, smoking cannabis is more popular than smoking tobacco. Today, 48% of Americans say that they have at least tried it and 16% of Americans have  smoked it in the past week.


The Cannabis Industry Council (CIC), is making a push, ahead of the conservative leadership election, to get the government to make some sensible changes to the outdated EU regulations that still govern much of the sector. We suppose there’s got to be some upside to Brexit, right?!

The Dude Abides

Ever been told that your cannabis consumption makes you lazy, demotivated, and generally a bit of a bum? Well, thanks to the University of Cambridge, you now have a research outcome that shows that regular users appear no more likely to lack motivation compared with non-users. 

Turnbull's Tale Sparks Cannabis Conversation

British broadcaster Bill Turnbull passed away at the end of August and he was a beloved presenter for many years on the BBC. Before he passed, he documented his cancer diagnosis, and as part of that his use of medical cannabis, which he believes there should be a proper conversation about in the UK. 

Board Out Of Your Mind

Without diving too deeply into the Massachusetts advertising laws surrounding cannabis, there was a really interesting story this past week where the Green Gold Group have been trying their best to advertise roadside, much to the displeasure of the Attorney General. 

Smell What?

Let’s face it – weed really smells. For some, it’s a comfort, a natural scent that reminds them of good times. But, for many, it’s something they feel they have to hide to avoid awkward conversations, or worse. Here’s some tips to cover up that stink.

Nice One NY

Social equity is a big deal, and it’s great to see states take note and put in place opportunities to right even a few of the war on drugs’ wrongs. For New York, that means that if you have a cannabis conviction and business experience, then there’s a good chance you could be one of the first to receive a Conditional Adult-Use Retail Dispensary Licence. Solid effort from the Empire State.

Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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