the lobsterpot< – edition 26

Each week we’re emboldened by the steps of progress that are made across the world...

Jamie Bonthron
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Each week we’re emboldened by the steps of progress that are made across the world...

Each week we’re emboldened by the steps of progress that are made across the world in the pursuit of cannabis legalisation. It’s not about the idea everyone should be doing it, it’s about the idea that those who need and want it should have the right.

A man famed for his excitement on, tolerance of, and connection to drugs, the legendary writer was always confident in sharing his opinion of the world and our lives in it.

“I have always loved marijuana. It has been a source of joy and comfort to me for many years. And I still think of it as a basic staple of life, along with beer and ice and grapefruits - and millions of Americans agree with me." Hunter S Thompson

We’ve Got Your Back

In a staggering setting of precedent, UK medical cannabis patient, Andrew Baines, has avoided prison after being caught with a kilo of cannabis – despite pleading guilty to supplying product. 

His saving grace? The letters of support received from the medical patients he’s helped over many years. A truly landmark ruling – even the Judge herself is quoted as saying “If the law was different, Mr Baines would have been applauded, not punished.” 

He received the bare minimum sentence: a 6-month community order.

The High Rhode

With the ink from a pen, cannabis is now legal in Rhode Island. The Ocean State now finds itself the 19th member of what is an excellent club where marijuana is now legal for adult use. It might be the smallest state but it’s got big plans for creating a thriving cannabis industry.

Keep It Kosher

Different regions have different challenges and obtaining Kosher certification is just part and parcel of placing products on sale in Israel. So news that local cannabis firm, Seach Medical Group, has finally achieved Kosher certification, is definitely cause for celebration. 

Indian Intrigue

The Indian cannabis market isn’t something we’ve really touched on before. But, it’s a very fragmented space where rules are extreme but often ignored. If you want a quick dive into the intricacies of the Indian weed world this article from Cannabis Culture is a great starting point.

Triploid What?

Ok so triploid pretty much just means seedless. While it’s easy to see how seedless fruit would mean no more picking the pesky little things out of your teeth; seedless weed means there would never be the risk of a male cannabis plant ruining a crop.

Micro Makes Ground

Legalise Cannabis Australia, a small independent party based in New South Wales, has made some great gains in the recent Senate. Despite not being able to advertise on Google or Facebook (because, ya know, cannabis), the increased popularity of the green stuff has seen wider support for their one goal – treating cannabis like alcohol and tobacco.

Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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