the lobsterpot< – edition 17

Spring is officially here(!). Just like our green friend, we all seem to perk up...

Jamie Bonthron
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Spring is officially here(!). Just like our green friend, we all seem to perk up...

Spring is officially here(!). Just like our green friend, we all seem to perk up with a nice bit of sunshine and we’re certainly excited to see the giant orange in the sky grace us with its presence.

Now, this guy can ball. Coming from the senior slammer of dunks, this quote hits home, and we can see he understands that the stigma of cannabis and drug use, in general, isn’t worth a dime.

“I’ve known enough drug users – going as far back as grade school and the streets of New York – not to view them as pariahs or lost souls. I’ve certainly smoked more than my quota of weed.” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar


In yet another progression of European legislation, the capital of Denmark is considering a 5-year scheme in which citizens will be able to possess, consume, grow, and store the green gold. Bravo to the Danes.

Employees With Benefits

Jointly has offered a staff benefit that is so brilliant, we sort of resent all the places we’ve ever worked. They were missing a trick. Jointly will reimburse their staff up to $150 per month for cannabis consumption. That’s top tier – keep your pizza Friday.

Hit The Dirt

Overlooked, walked all over – dirt is an unsung hero. Without good quality soil, you can’t have a good crop. But you can even make good choices on sustainable soil to lessen your impact, as a grower, on the environment. 

Talk of the Terp

Terpenes don’t get the attention they deserve – and we’re big fans. Terpenes naturally occur in a heap of plants and massively contribute to the flavor and character of all our favorite strains. We shouldn’t forget cannabinoids; just give terpenes credit where credit is due – as this interview with leading cannabis scientist, Dr Callie Seaman shows.

Something in the Water

If we asked you which city has the highest traces of cannabis in the water – what would you say? Well, if you picked Barcelona, well done you! Absolutely smashing the numbers, incidentally, they had 3 times the amount as second-placed Amsterdam.

Up, Up, and Away

A booming leap in cannabis exports from Portugal in 2021. Although only 18 companies are licensed to produce and sell marijuana, they’ve managed to increase cannabis exports by 566%. A further 80 companies are already pre-licensed to start building their units. Exciting times.

Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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