A Look at What’s Hot In Pot: September 2022

We don’t know about you, but it’s starting to feel rather autumnal here...

Jamie Bonthron
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We don’t know about you, but it’s starting to feel rather autumnal here...

We don’t know about you, but it’s starting to feel rather autumnal here. The heating might even come on soon(!). So, we thought, what better selection of cannabis to find for you than strains that smoke great in the season of falling leaves?

For us, it’s not about the blazing heat of the summer months, but instead, the comfort found in a hearty meal of bread and soup, while you’re wrapped in a cosy jumper. Having a great bud isn’t a bad compliment to any of that either, right?


We don’t often get the opportunity to write the three words ‘Mesoamerican serpent deity’, but today that drought ends, as Kukulkan is precisely that(!). It also happens to be a super 30/70 Sative/Indica hybrid, cranking out 20% THC – wowzers(!).

One of the best parts of this stain is its rapid indoor flowering times of around 55 days. Reviewers of this fine breed have noted its resilience and that paired with its quick time to harvest also happen to make this a great strain for beginner growers.

While household cornbread is a staple in many homes, this hybrid is a far rarer affair. With effects of ‘happy, hungry, sleepy’ widely reported, you should quickly be able to figure out why this strain is perfect for curling up on the sofa as autumn rolls in.

You can’t really go wrong with citrus undertones, and the nose on this thing has serious incense vibes. If you’re so inclined, it’ll do a great job filling your smoking room of choice with a fine scent you’ll never want to leave.

Grease Monkey

You’re the one that I want!... or at least that’s what Grease Monkey enjoyers everywhere are hollerin’ on reviews and bud message boards. Noted for its particularly potent body high, this is that strain that just lets you say “I’m done today, time to chill”.

Without so much as a speck of CBD lingering in the offspring of GG4 and Cookies & Cream, it’s amazing that such a strong body effect can come out of 20% THC - but it more than manages(!).

Golden Ticket

While visiting Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory is way up on there on the bucket list, if you were to find a few grams of this in a chocolate bar, you’d be pretty frikkin’ set. No crazy numbers here, with an average THC of 22% but provides an almost perfectly balanced high.

From the words we’ve found online, Golden Ticket is many things to many people. It can either be a nice buzz on a dark evening or a euphoric high on an October walk. Yields pretty decent too, so it’s not bad as a grow-your-own.

Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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